About Us

The Climate Change Resources: Teachers Toolkit is led by Edsential, a community interest company with the mission to change children’s lives.

Owned by Cheshire West, Chester Council and Wirral Council we provide a range of services to the education sector, from cleaning and catering to outdoor education, the arts to CPD and training.

In 2019 Edsential became the World’s First Certified Sustainable Palm Oil Catering Company, and our passion for the environment continues to grow. The Climate Change Resources: Teacher Toolkit is designed to bring together all of thebest resources to support teaching about climate change. Our experts and partners have identified resources that fitwith the COP 26 conference goals and are relevant to the national curriculum.

Our Partners

Chester Zoo are a globally recognised conservation and education charity. They founded and continue to lead the Sustainable Palm Oil Communities programme.

Their commitment to providing high quality, free to use educational resources as part of their mission to prevent extinction has inspired the development of this toolkit.

Efeca provide evidence and advice to governments and the private sector to develop policies on the sustainable and legal sourcing of natural resources.

They promote sustainable agriculture as a way to reduce carbon emissions and believe that we, as consumers, can help to protect forest habitats.

What is cop26?

The 26th United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) is a global summit on how countries across the world will tackle climate change.  It is being hosted by the UK in Glasgow from 1 – 12 November 21.

One of the goals for COP26 is to work together to tackle the climate crisis.  We are delighted that our website is included in the COP26 Together for our Planet Teachers resource pack. #TogetherForOurPlanet and #OneStepGreener